Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Autumn Newsletter 2009

The class of 2009 with their Teacher Mrs. Cunningham.

We would like to welcome every one back again for a new school year. We extend a special welcome to our new Junior Infants -Tom Carew, Andrea Casey, Abigal Cunningham, Nadine Dineen, Peggy Donovan, Raewyn Downey, Brooke Fennessy, Robert Finnan, Chloe Hassett, Holly Johnston, Joseph Kearns, Eimear Looby, Monika McLecka, Olivia McKenna, Anna O’Donoghue, Bailen O’Farrell, Cathal O’Mahony, Niamh O’Mullane, Shannon Corbett, Nikodem Rajski and Ciara Ryan.
We also wish to wecome Niall Carew, Caoimhe McMahon and Joanna Lydka who joined other classes.

Holiday Details/School Closures .
These are the days off / holidays for the coming school year.
Halloween Break – Week 26th to 30th October 2009.
Feast of Immaculate Conception….. 8th December 2009.
Christmas Holidays – Half Day Wednesday 23rd December and re-opening on Thursday 7th Jan 2010.
Spring Mid Term Break – 15th to 19th February .
St Patrick’s Day – Wednesday 17/03/2010.
Easter Holidays –29th March to 9th April . Re-opening on Monday 12th April 2010.
May Bank Holiday – Monday 3rd May.
June Bank Holiday – Monday 7th June.
Summer Holidays half day Tuesday 29th June 2010.

Education Welfare Board.
As part of the Education Welfare Act we are obliged to keep a record of all absences for the Department. Any child absent in excess of 20 days has to be reported to the National Education Welfare Board (N.E.W.B). If a child has a genuine absence there is no need to worry. The absence will be reported but the N.E.W.B. will make an allowance. Notes must be provided for each absence/partial absence. School has issued standardised notes and a supply of same will be distributed to you shortly. Child absent at Roll Call will be absent on Roll book but if child comes in later and is present for a total of 4 hours and has note, the absence will not be recorded as having missed 1 full day. If child has to leave school for any length of time a note is required.

If your child is sick keep them at home as they may be uncomfortable in school and also to speed their recovery. If when your child returns to school but is still recovering from illness and you wish them to stay indoors at break/lunch time, you must send note to class teacher requesting same. If you suspect Swine Flu child must stay home until fully better.

Head Lice
Each year there is a constant problem with headlice. Please be vigilant and treat promptly if you find eggs /lice .also make sure children with long hair have it tied back neatly so to minimise risk.

Galbally Childcare Committee
Colette O’Neill Henrietta McCabe Siobhán Morrissey , Maireád Morrissey, Siobhán Johnston, Sheila Bourke, Noreen Looby, , Noreen Quinlan ,Grainne McCarthy and Martin Kearney. This committee would welcome new members .If you would like to join please contact any of the aforementioned.

Galbally Childcare Service
Tel 086-8231838 to book your child in for after school/Homework Club. The home work club is a tremendous asset to the school. Children have the opportunity to complete a large part of their written work in a supervised atmosphere. They then have a wide range of indoor / outdoor activities available to them afterwards.
The cost is kept as low as possible and is presently as follows:
2 to 3.00pm ……………………...€2 .
(note children who live in excess of 2 miles from school traditionally have this session free if they have older brothers and sisters in school )
2 to 6.00pm - €5 per evening
3 to 6.00pm - €4 per evening.
Children on Band A or B Social Welfare are subsidised and for more details contact the service.

PE / Tracksuit days.
Mrs Cunningham’s Tuesday & Friday
Miss Maher’s Monday & Friday
2nd to 6th class Tuesday & Wednesday.

It is important that children should have their names clearly marked on their uniforms , coats, tracksuits ,school books and other personal belongings.

We operate group texting to parents mobile phone. Please keep us updated if you change your no. Also please provide mobile no. of parent who is most easily contacted.

Board of Management
Your parent representatives on the Bord of Management are Ailbe Burke, Anne Finnan and Gráinne McCarthy.
Parents’ Council
Parents Council will be elected at AGM this Monday 14th September. Hope as many parents as possible can attend this very important meeting.

Opening / Closing Times.
The school day runs from 9 20 to 3 00.We ask that children do not come to school too early. Teachers may be in their classes but they need this time to prepare for the day ahead. We suggest that children would arrive between 9 05 and 9 20.

All children from Junior Infants to 2nd class will be accompanied to the school gates by their class teacher at home time. If there isn't some one present to collect child they will return to classroom and can be collected there. Please ensure your children are under your supervision after hand over and stay in car if driving or by your side if walking. Children should not play on road , climb on walls or partake in any other dangerous activity.
If a child has an appointment and must leave school early the teacher must be informed in writing in advance. Parents/ guardians are asked to call personally to the classroom to collect the child and to accompany the child to the classroom on his/her return to school.

The school follows the revised Primary School Curriculum introduced by the Department of Education and Science in 1999 and the Religious Education programme recommended by the Catholic Church for primary schools. The
curriculum areas covered are:
· Religious Education – Alive O programme
· Language – Gaeilge & English
· Mathematics
· Social, Environmental and Scientific Education – History, Geography,
· Arts Education – Visual arts, Music and Drama
· Physical Education
· Social, Personal and Health Education
The school also involves itself in a variety of extra curricular activities each year with particular emphasis on sports, music arts, heritage and environmental activities.

Where do I get ????????
Aileen Ryan Ballylanders for tracksuits / uniforms
Hylands Mitchelstown for books etc….

Healthy Eating
In line with our Social Personal & Health Education programme we would ask that parents would help us with our Healthy Eating policy. We would hope that your child would have something healthy each day e.g. a piece of fruit. We ask that you would not put coloured fizzy drinks, crisps or chewing gum in your child’s lunchbox
Remember your child should be able to open bottles and containers themselves and to bear this mind when buying. Also, it is advisable to place bottles in a plastic bag in case of leakage.

Saving Scheme
Each Friday Sammy Stamps are sold for Mitchelstown Credit Union to encourage thrift / saving. The stamps are stuck in a card. We encourage children to buy between €1 and €5 worth each week. These Sammy Stamp books can then be presented at the Credit Union and lodged in an account.